About the Bank

30th anniversary of Bank Ochrony Środowiska

Polish Bank focused on ecology

Polish Bank focused on ecology

For the past 30 years, we have been teaching Poles how to spend less and earn more by going green. For our retail clients, we develop innovative banking products which come with additional „green benefits” to reinforce their personal finances.

Our product portfolio has been repeatedly awarded and recognised by independent financial sector experts. To our corporate clients, we offer preferential credit for environmental protection projects, supporting their business growth. Over the past three decades, we have extended credit facilities of PLN 23.2 billion for the financing of environmental projects.

Funds deposited with BOŚ are secured by the Bank Guarantee Fund.

Since 1997, our stock has been listed on the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

The Bank’s origins

Early 1990s. Poland, for the most part affected by an environmental crisis, faced a major challenge of fundamentally rethinking the country’s policy.

Only by triggering and tapping the potential of human activity, channelling entrepreneurship towards profit, making economical and efficient use of natural resources and creating a sustainable development agenda was it possible to effectively deploy that policy.

It was at that point that Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. was established on the initiative of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, in order to further the delivery of Poland’s environmental protection and water management programme.

Since its very inception, the main goal of BOŚ S.A. has been to secure capital, using the full range of instruments available in the banking system, to provide credit support for green projects.

Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. of Warsaw was established Decision No. 42 of the Governor of the National Bank of Poland dated September 15th 1990 and registered with the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in January 1991, at the same time securing authorisation No. 26 from the Governor of the National Bank of Poland to engage in foreign exchange operations and banking cooperation with foreign partners.

1990-1999 timeline

1990-1999 timeline


    • Bank Ochrony Środowiska Spółka Akcyjna is established by a decision of the Governor of the National Bank of Poland


    • The Bank is entered in the commercial register
    • The first specialist in environmental sustainability is employed by the Bank
    • BOŚ signs an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management regarding the terms and conditions of granting preferential credit for environmental protection projects


    • The Bank’s registered office at Solidarności Avenue in Warsaw is officially opened
    • The first cooperation agreement with the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is signed in Koszalin


    • The def BANK Pro IT system is deployed at the Bank
    • The Bank is included in the international SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication)


    • A notarial deed is executed to establish a brokerage house company Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska S.A.
    • The first financial consortium is formed with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) for an environmental project
    • BOŚ signs the UNEP’s Statement by Banks on the Environment and Sustainable Development, committing the Bank to support sustainable development investments
    • The first cooperation agreement is signed with the European Fund for the Development of Polish Villages (for gas network roll-out in rural areas)


    • The Bank signs an agreement with the Ministry of Environment to act as the Implementing Agency for the GEF ‘Coal to Gas Conversion’ Project
    • The Environmental Projects Department is established
    • The Bank signs the first agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management on management by the Bank of the Fund’s credit lines dedicated to pro-environmental projects, as well as the first cooperation agreements with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture


    • The General Meeting passes a resolution on the initial public offering of BOŚ S.A. stock
    • The ‘Maple’ award is introduced for entities engaging in environmental protection projects in partnership with the Bank


    • The Supervisory Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange admits BOŚ S.A. shares to stock-exchange trading
    • The position of the Bank’s Chief Environmental Officer is established
    • A cooperation agreement is signed with the Maciej Rataj Rural Poland 2000 Foundation (for gas network roll-out in rural public facilities)


    • A new seat of the Bank’s Head Office is opened in the Kaskada Building at 12 Jana Pawła II Avenue in Warsaw
    • BOŚ S.A. starts cooperation with the Ministry of Environment under the European Union ISPA instrument


    • BOŚ sings an agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, becoming an active participant of the system supporting thermal efficiency improvement projects

2000-2009 timeline

2000-2009 timeline


  • The Bank offers a new deposit product with a deduction for the protection of endangered animal species, allowing the Bank to transfer a grant for reintroduction of the lynx in the Kampinos National Park
  • Credit facilities for the purchase and installation of environmental protection systems are awarded with the ‘Silver Safebox’ for the best banking product


  • An agreement is signed with World Wildlife Fund International on BOŚ joining the ‘Business for Nature’ coalition


  • As part of cooperation with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, an agreement is signed on the provision of credit facilities for investments in renewable energy sources
  • A trilateral agreement is signed between NFOŚiGW, PSE S.A. and BOŚ S.A. on partnership for the effective financing of environmentally-friendly energy projects


  • Bank Ochrony Środowiska receives the Golden Statuette of Polish Business Leader awarded by Business Centre Club in recognition of the Bank’s successful track record


  • BOŚ is certified as the Patron of Nature Protection 2004
  • A syndicated credit facility agreement is signed for the ‘Improvement of water quality in Szczecin’, the largest environmental investment project financed under the ISPA pre-accession instrument
  • Casimir the Great statuette is awarded to the Bank in recognition of successful customisation of its offering to the needs of local governments


  • The Bank receives the Presidential Economic Award in the ‘Financial Institution’ category in recognition of its contribution to the country’s economic development and commitment to environmental protection
  • The Bank is awarded the European Medal for its environmental credit facilities dedicated to financing thermal efficiency improvement projects


  • The Bank is honoured with numerous awards and distinctions: the ‘Reliable Employer’ title awarded by Przegląd Gospodarczy (a supplement to the Gazeta Prawna daily) for modern and ethical human resources management; the ‘Company of the Year 2005’ title awarded by Polish Business Club for a modern and comprehensive banking offering tailored to the needs and expectations of local governments; the European Medal awarded by the Office of the Committee for European Integration and Business Centre Club for mortgage loans, for maintaining a high European quality standard; 16 ‘Golden Branch’ awards in the ‘Enterpreneur Friendly Bank’ competition received by the Bank’s two branches in Rzeszów and in Wrocław; the ‘Dolnośląskie Gryfy’ Economic Award for the Bank’s Wrocław Branch, recognising its outstanding achievements in supporting the development of the Lower Silesia region’s economy


  • Vice President of the BOŚ Management Board is awarded the Patron of Polish Ecology title in the ‘Environment Friendly’ National Competition organised under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland


  • The ‘Zero Emission’ banking programme is launched, with BOŚ being the first financial institution to undergo a climate impact audit and take action to compensate for its carbon footprint
  • The Bank is distinguished in the ‘Leader of Polish Ecology’ and ‘Pantheon of Polish Ecology’ competitions, confirming its leading role in the financing of environmental protection projects


  • The new ‘BOŚodNowa’ strategy is launched
  • BOŚ Eko Profit S.A., the Bank’s new indirect subsidiary (through Dom Maklerski BOŚ S.A.), is established

The Bank Ochrony Środowiska Foundation is established to promote environmental protection and sustainable development

Kalendarium 2010-2020

Kalendarium 2010-2020


  • w ramach współpracy z niemieckim bankiem rozwoju KfW podjęto program transgranicznego finansowania inwestycji prowadzących do ograniczenia emisji CO2 (Kredyt z Klimatem), funkcjonujący na zasadach Joint Implementation


  • Fundacja Partnerstwo dla Środowiska nadała Bankowi Certyfikat „Zielonego Biura”. Ze strony Banku wiązało się to z przyjęciem „Polityki Środowiskowej” oraz szeregiem działań administracyjnych, zmierzających do racjonalizacji gospodarowania mediami i materiałami
  • Bank mógł pochwalić się posiadaniem 2 ekologicznych samochodów – elektrycznych aut Mitsubishi i-MiEV. Pojazdy służyły pracownikom Banku w wypełnianiu ich codziennych obowiązków


  • Bank Ochrony Środowiska dołączył do grona firm zrzeszonych w Koalicji na rzecz Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu. Wraz z 32 innymi organizacjami, które pomyślnie przeszły proces weryfikacji, otrzymał certyfikat potwierdzający przestrzeganie najwyższych standardów Kodeksu Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu. Stał się tym samym jednym z liderów wprowadzania zasad CSR na polskim rynku


  • Centrala BOŚ Banku przeniosła się do nowej siedziby w budynku Fenix, przy ul. Żelaznej w Warszawie. Budynek ten charakteryzował się szeregiem rozwiązań proekologicznych, które złożyły się na uzyskany w maju 2014 roku Certyfikatu BREEAM z oceną „very good”
  • W raporcie Komisji Europejskiej z 2013 r., pokazującym wydatki na badania i rozwój, wśród tysiąca najlepszych przedsiębiorstw z Unii znalazły się cztery firmy z Polski, a między nimi Bank Ochrony Środowiska. Unia doceniła firmy zwiększające fundusze na innowacje


  • Bank zawarł umowę o współpracy przy współfinansowaniu przez NFOŚiGW przedsięwzięć objętych Programem Priorytetowym NFOŚiGW pn. „Poprawa efektywności energetycznej”
  • BOŚ uruchomił projekt BOŚ EKOsystem. Kompleksowe rozwiązanie, mogące zredukować koszty ogrzewania i podgrzewania wody użytkowej w gospodarstwie domowym.


  • Bank dołączył do prestiżowego grona firm notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w ramach RESPECT Index.;
  • W raporcie „Odpowiedzialny Biznes w Polsce 2015. Dobre praktyki” znalazło się aż pięć inicjatyw Banku: udział BOŚ w Programie Polskich Gwarancji Pochodzenia Energii; promocja biegania wśród dzieci i dorosłych BOŚ EKObiegaton, kampania społeczna #BrudnoTu, projekt edukacyjny „Postaw na Słońce”, oraz publikowany przez BOŚ „Raport Ekologiczny”


  • Przyjęto Ramową Strategię Rozwoju Banku na lata 2016 -2020. W zatwierdzonym przez Radę Nadzorczą dokumencie ekologia stanowiła ważny wyróżnik Banku, który determinował kształt wielu planowanych do realizacji przedsięwzięć, a sprawna transmisja środków przeznaczonych na inwestycje w ochronę środowiska i zrównoważony rozwój w Polsce była nadrzędnym celem strategicznym


  • Bank zawarł umowę z NFOŚiGW dotyczącą realizacji programu priorytetowego Funduszu pn. Prosument – linia dofinansowania z przeznaczeniem na zakup i montaż mikroinstalacji odnawialnych źródeł energii, skierowana do osób fizycznych oraz wspólnot i spółdzielni mieszkaniowych
  • specjalistyczna działalność Banku, a przede wszystkim duże zaangażowanie w rozwój inwestycji proekologicznych, zostały docenione i wyróżnione przez Kapitułę VI edycji „Nagrody za propagowanie OZE” – w kategorii „CZŁOWIEK 2016 ROKU” uhonorowano Ekologów Banku Ochrony Środowiska
  • Została zawarta umowa pożyczki z Europejskim Bankiem Inwestycyjnym, który udostępnił do dyspozycji środki w wysokości 75 mln EUR na okres do 12 lat. Pożyczka przeznaczona jest na finansowanie projektów inwestycyjnych, w obszarze związanym z ochroną środowiska, utrzymaniem infrastruktury, produkcją i handlem. Co najmniej 40% środków przeznaczone będzie na działania promujące ograniczenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery


  • Zaktualizowano Ramową Strategię Rozwoju Banku na lata 2018 -2021, w której nastąpiło odejście od rozwijania koncepcji banku uniwersalnego na rzecz banku specjalistycznego (eko -banku, green -banku), z ekologiczną misją i budowania coraz silniejszej pozycji rynkowej związanej z finansowaniem przedsięwzięć ekologicznych


  • Bank podpisał umowę z PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny o wspólnej promocji pożyczki „Pełnym Oddechem”, skierowanej do przyszłych i obecnych klientów PGNiG na realizację celów komplementarnych z rządowym programem
  • wpisując się w nurt działań wspierających rządowe prace nad programami Energia Plus i Mój Prąd BOŚ wprowadził atrakcyjne promocje kredytów na prosumenckie mikroinstalacje fotowoltaiczne
  • rozpoczęto realizację projektu strategicznego BOŚmy Zieloni, polegającego na działaniach edukacyjnych związanych z misją Banku;
  • Bank został doceniony przez Polską Izbę Ekologii, która przyznała mu medal „Za zasługi dla zrównoważonego rozwoju"
  • Centrala Banku została wyróżniona Certyfikatem Green Office. Certyfikat stanowi potwierdzenie ekologicznych standardów zarządzania bankiem i jest przyznawany przez niezależnych audytorów z Fundacji dla Edukacji Ekologicznej, w oparciu o międzynarodowe standardy.


  • Bank uruchomił nową odsłonę swojej strony internetowej, udostępnił klientom aplikację mobilną BOŚBank24, licznik efektów ekologicznych oraz kalkulator instalacji fotowoltaicznych. Wprowadził także nową edycję kart z wizerunkami dziewięciu objętych w Polsce całkowitą ochroną gatunkową ptaków i ssaków
  • celem zwrócenia szczególnej uwagi na zagadnienia zrównoważonego gospodarowania wodą, przeciwdziałania suszy i jej negatywnym skutkom, w ramach programu Climate Leadership, BOŚ wypracował we współpracy z Ekspertami UNEP/GRID Warszawa dedykowaną ofertę „Nasza woda”
  • ekonomiści Banku zajęli pierwsze miejsce w konkursie Gazety Giełdy i Inwestorów „Parkiet” na najtrafniejsze prognozy makroekonomiczne i rynkowe w 2019 roku. Trzecie z rzędu zwycięstwo było osiągnięciem bez precedensu w historii rankingu
  • Bank został wyróżniony Białym Listkiem CSR POLITYKI. Otrzymują go firmy deklarujące wdrażanie najistotniejszych kategorii zarządczych rekomendowanych przez normę ISO 26000 oraz doskonalące działania w tym zakresie na rzecz efektywnego zarządzania swoim wpływem na otoczenie

O Banku

BOŚ Mission Statement

Polish ECO-Bank – a bank for people, business and the environment

BOŚ Vision

Be at the forefront of the Polish system of financing environmental protection, build shareholder value, develop innovative solutions for clients and friendly working conditions for employees, and operate in accordance with the principles of corporate social responsibility.

BOŚ Strategy

Framework Development Strategy of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. for 2024–2026


Management Board

  • Education:

    • 1998–2003: Master’s degree studies in Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science of the Aleksander Gieysztor Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk
    • 2003–2004: Postgraduate studies in Banking and Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Agriculture of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences
    • 2005–2009: Doctoral studies in Management Theory at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw
    • 2019–2020: Postgraduate studies in Credit Risk Management at the Collegium of Management and Finance of the Warsaw School of Economics

    Participated in numerous national and international training courses in banking and finance, including those focused on systemic solutions to support liquidity and solvency of German cooperative banks within the Institutional Protection Scheme (IPS) framework outlined in European Union regulations.


    • 2003–2007: Director of the Ostrów Mazowiecka Cooperative Bank Branch in Małkinia Górna
    • 2007–2009: Member of the Management Board of the Ostrów Mazowiecka Cooperative Bank
    • 2009–2012: Vice President of the Management Board of the Ostrów Mazowiecka Cooperative Bank
    • From February 2012 (upon approval from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority) to July 2023: President of the Management Board of the Ostrów Mazowiecka Cooperative Bank responsible for overseeing key risks relevant to the Bank’s operations
    • Since April 2023: Vice President of the Polish Bank Association responsible for bank security (including cybersecurity), regulatory oversight, national and international programmes, and collaboration with business communities. He also coordinates the activities of the cooperative banks group within the Polish Bank Association
    • 2010–2014: Member of the Supervisory Board of Dom Maklerski Banku BPS S.A.
    • 2014–2023: Member of the Council of the Polish Bank Association and Chair of its Cooperative Banks Group
    • May 2014–January 2016: Member of the Advisory Council of Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości
    • January 2016–May 2022: Chair of the Supervisory Board of the BPS Association Protection System Cooperative.
    • January 2016–May 2022: Chair of the Supervisory Board of the BPS Association Protection System Cooperative.
  • Education:

    • 2014–2015: Leadership Executive Program Frankfurt School of Finance, Goethe Business School
    • 2013–2014: IESE Strategy Development Program University of Navarra, IESE Business School
    • 2007–2009: Executive MBAUniversity of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, Warsaw School of Economics, Master’s programme in Business Administration
    • 1994–1999: Marketing and Management at the Faculty of Management of Lodz University of Technology


    • June 2022–present: Corporate Connections Poland -BNI Poland,

    Position: Management Board Adviser

    • November 2018–September 2021: Santander Bank Polska S.A. and August 2010–November 2018: Deutsche Polska Bank S.A.

    Position: Member of the Management Board (post-merger Director of Sales and Support Area)

    • June 2006–July 2010: Bank BPH S.A., GE Group

    Position: Branch Network Director

    • June 2006–July 2010 GE Money Bank S.A.

    Position: Department Director

    • October 2004–June 2006 Bank BPH S.A.

    Position: Regional Director of Indirect and Direct Sales

    • June 2003–October 2004: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.

    Position: Sales Director (two provinces) Regional Manager

    • November 2000–June 2003: Coca Cola Beverages Polska Sp. z o.o.

    Position: Regional Sales Director

    • May 2000–November 2000: Lukas Bank S.A.

    Position: Branch Director

  • Education:

    • 1997–2003: Doctoral studies at Poznań University of Economics
    • 1992–1997: Poznań University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Master’s programmein Finance and Banking, majored in Banking.


    • June 2023–present: Ezzon Energia sp. z o.o. President of the Management Board
    • October 2022–May 2023: PayU S.A. / Prosus -Global Consumer Internet Group, Head of Strategy and Development / Head of Credit
    • December 2009–September 2022: Bank Millennium S.A., Head of the Corporate Banking Department / Head of the Western Macroregion
    • February 2010–March 2011: lecturer at Poznań University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Department of Monetary Theory and Policy
    • April 2003–November 2009: Citi Handlowy -Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., initially Local Head of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Segment, Head of the Small and Medium Enterprises Department, Head of the Cooperation Development Office, and RegionalSales Director
    • October 2002–March 2003: Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A., Corporate Client Relations Manager
    • June 1996–September 2002: Citi Handlowy -Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., Banking Advisor, then Marketing Specialist
  • Education:

    • 2017: Kozminski University, postgraduate studies in Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy
    • 2009: Poznań University of Economics, Master’s degree in Finance and Accounting


    • Since December 2023: OMIDA Finance Sp. z o.o., Member of the Management Board and Co-founder
    • Since August 2023: Vivida Capital PSA, Member of the Management Board and Co-Founder
    • Since August 2023: Naftomax Sp. z o.o., Member of the Management Board
    • Since October 2022: Feri Finanse Sp. z o.o., Member of the Management Board and Co-founder
    • Since July 2021: Token Studio Sp. z o.o., President of the Management Board and Co-founder
    • October 2017–October 2021: Faktoria Sp. z o.o. (Nest Bank Group), Member of the Management Board/Sales Director and Co-Founder
    • March 2016–September 2017: Bank Pekao S.A. (Greater Poland Region), Business Development Director
    • October 2015–February 2016: Alior Bank S.A. (Poznań Region), Regional Director of MID Corp
    • May 2015–September 2015: Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. (Warsaw Region), Regional Director for SME & Agro
    • February 2013–April 2015: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. (Western Region), Deputy Regional Director for SME/Regional Director for SME
    • September 2009–January 2013: Alior Bank S.A. (Poznań Branch), Branch Director
    • September 2003–August 2009: Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. (SME Poznań Centre), RM Micro/BDK/Senior Specialist for Medium-Sized Corporates

Supervisory Board of BOŚ S.A.

  • Education and certifications:

    • Master’s degree in Finance and Banking from the Warsaw School of Economics
    • Certified Investment Advisor No. 122
    • Qualified Auditor No. 10428
    • Expert witness in accounting
    • Expert witness in securities trading

    Professional experience:

    • President of the Management Board of BTFG Advisory sp. z o.o.
    • President of the Management Board and auditor at BTFG Audit sp. z o.o.

    Other current positions:

    • Lecturer in the postgraduate programme in Investment Banking at the Warsaw School of Economics

    Previously held positions:

    • Member of the Supervisory Board of Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A., Chair of the Audit Committee
    • Member of the Supervisory Board of Capitea S.A.
    • Fund Manager for equity, balanced, and bond funds at Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych PZU S.A.
    • Member of the NewConnect Advisory Committee at Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.
    • Chair of the Investment Committee of Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy S.A.
    • President of the Stockbrokers and Advisers Association
  • Education:

    • December 2006 –PhD in Economics from the Poznań University of Economics and Business
    • October 1992–March 1997 –Poznań University of Economics and Business –Master’s degree in Economics (major: Finance and Banking)

    Professional experience:

    • November 2019–present –Programme Manager for Finance and Accounting, WSB Merito University in Poznań
    • April 2003–present –Researcher and lecturer (currently Professor of WSB Merito University in Poznań)
    • April 2003–April 2010 –Financial Director, WSB University in Poznań
    • March 2002–March 2003 –Credit Risk Analyst, Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A.
    • July 2001–February 2002 –Chief Financial Specialist, Wielkopolanka Housing Cooperative
    • May 1998–June 2011 –Head of the Credit Monitoring and Analysis Department, Bank BPH S.A.
    • February 1998–April 1998 –Credit Analyst (position: inspector), WBK S.A.
    • September 1996–January 1998 –Credit Analyst (position: banking inspector), Kredyt Bank PBI S.A.
    • October 1998–present –Trainer in Financial Analysis at the Banking Advisory and Education Centre, specialising in project evaluation for cooperative banks and central cooperative banks
    • October 2014–present –Trainer and Consultant in Financial Analysis at PKF Konsult, providing training for the Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) and private businesses
  • Education:

    • 1977–1981 –Law studies at the Faculty of Law of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS)
    • 1981–1983 –Legal training for court judges completed with a judicial exam
    • 1984–1986 –Legal training for legal counsels, qualified to practise the legal counsel profession
    • 1986–1988 –Postgraduate programme for teachers at UMCS
    • 1995–1997 –Postgraduate programme in Money and Banking at the University of Warsaw
    • 2006–2008 –Executive Education ICAN Institute

    She has undertaken numerous training courses in management, HR, marketing, and coaching. She has also participated in study tours to learn about EU banking systems at RABO Bank in the Netherlands and BNP Paribas in France

    Professional experience:

    • 1981–1992 –Certified teacher of jurisprudence at the A.J. Vetter Economic School Complex in Lublin and the Lublin Business School
    • Since 1989 –Practising legal counsel, including roles in a local government unit and at PEKAO S.A. in Lublin, providing advice to private companies
    • 1992–1993 –Head of the Credit Department at PBI S.A. Lublin Branch
    • 1993–1996 –Deputy Director at PBI S.A. Lublin Branch, and later at Kredyt Bank S.A. Lublin Branch
    • 1996–1999 –Representative of the President of PBK S.A. responsible for organising a branch network in the Lublin region, then director of PBK S.A.’s first branch in Lublin; Deputy Chair of the Credit Committee of the Lublin Region of PBK S.A.
    • 1999–January 2023 –Director of BGŻ Lublin Branch, and later Director of the Eastern Macroregion at BGŻ S.A., and subsequently Macroregional Director at BNP Paribas S.A. in Lublin
    • Since January 2023 –retired

Members of the Supervisory Board

  • Education:

    2017 – 2019 – University of Maryland, College Park, Poland-US Fulbright Scholar, Graduate Studies, major: Energy Policy, Energy Economics, MBA courses: Corporate Finance, International Economics, Brown University: Science and Tech. Policy; Problems in Advanced Physics

    2012 – 2013 – Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Master of Science in Civil Engineering, major: KBI

    2013 – Hanyang University, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil structures and architecture, students exchange

    2008 – 2012 – Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineer


    From December 2022 to the present – Director of the Strategy and Analysis Department at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Plenipotentiary for Energy Security

    August 2020 – November 2022 – Ministry of State Assets, Deputy Director of the Department of Fuel and Energy Companies

    November 2019 – August 2020 – World Bank Group – Energy and Extractive Industries, Energy and Economics Consultant

    March 2018 – November 2019 – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory & University of Maryland, Center for Global Sustainability – Bloomberg Philanthropies America's Pledge Project, Energy & Economics Specialist

    March 2016 – July 2017 – Siemens AG, Power and Gas Energy Solutions, Engineering Team Leader

    June 2016 – September 2016 – Engineer, Combined-Cycle Plant, 414 MW, Batangas, Philippines

    March 2016 – June 2016 – Engineer, Combined-Cycle Plant, Frankfurt, Germany

    September 2014 – March 2016 – Portico Project Management S.A., Project Engineer

    November 2013 – September 2014 – IDS-BUD S.A., QC/QA Engineer

  • Education:

    • November 2017 –Post-doctoral degree (doktor habilitowany) in Economics in the field of Finance, conferred by the Scientific Council of the Collegium of Management and Finance at the Warsaw School of Economics. Title of scientific achievement: “Hybrid Securities –Contingent Convertible Bonds”
    • June 2008 –Admission to the list of legal counsels of the Regional Chamber of Legal Counsels of Warsaw
    • September 2005 –Doctoral degree in Economics, conferred by the Scientific Council of the Collegium of Management and Finance at the Warsaw School of Economics
    • 1999–2004 –University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration
    • 1997–2001 –Warsaw School of Economics, Finance and Banking, Master’s degree in Economics

    Professional experience:

    • May 2023–present –Bank Guarantee Fund. Adviser to the President, Department of Financial System Planning, compulsory restructuring of banks and insurance companies
    • February 2022–November 2023 –Economic Adviser to the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, Tomasz Grodzki
    • May 2010–present –Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility (since 1 October 2020), previously at the Institute of Finance, position: University Professor (since 2018), academic and teaching work
    • March 2000–May 2010, Warsaw School of Economics, Assistant at the Department of Banking (Assistant Professor from July 2006)
    • 2019 –Adviser to the Vice President of Finance at KGHM Polska Miedź
    • August 2021–September 2022 –Member of the Supervisory Board of Gorzowski Rynek Hurtowy S.A.
    • 2018–2021 –Member of the Supervisory Board of INNEKO Sp. z o.o. of Gorzów Wielkopolski
    • 2016–2018 –Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board of Zakłady Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. of Sulęcin
    • 2016 –Expert for the Parliamentary Committee on Public Finance in the development of the Act on the Bank Guarantee Fund, Deposit Guarantee System and Compulsory Restructuring (enacted in 2016)
    • 2015–2017 –Arbitrator at the Arbitration Court of the Polish Bank Association
    • 2013 –Collaboration with the Meridiam fund; Cholewa, A., Liberadzki, K., Liberadzki, M., Pieregud, J., “How to effectively finance the development of transport infrastructure in Poland in the financial perspective 2014–2020”, House of Solutions International, 2013
    • September2009–May 2023 –Liberadzki & Partners Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego law firm

    He is actively involved in scientific research and teaching, with a substantial portfolio of publications to his credit.

  • Education:

    • PhD degree in Economics from the University of Szczecin, Faculty of Management and Economics of Services
    • Strategist Academy –Advanced Executive Education Programme, a year-long development programme for senior managers by ICAN Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. and Harvard Business Review Polska
    • Master Coach (licence number N60575) from the Coaching Division of The American Board, Nevada USA
    • Trainer of Neuro-Programming TM Society of NLP (licence number L-63978), Florida USA
    • MANAGEMENT 2000 –a year-long postgraduate programme in management skills development run by the Canadian International Management Institute
    • University education: University of Szczecin, Faculty of Transport and Communications. Master’s degree in Economics
    • International Postgraduate Programme in Marketing and Management run by CNAM FRANCE
    • Securities Broker Course run by the International Foundation for the Capital Market Development and Ownership Transformations in Poland –Privatisation Centre

    Professional experience:

    • 2001–present –Owner of the consulting and training business BSC Consulting
    • 2008–2015 –Chair of the Supervisory Board of Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.
    • 2008–2016 –Chair and Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board of Zakłady Chemiczne Police (Grupa Azoty Group)
    • 2010–2016 –Member of the Supervisory Board of KEMIPOL S.A.
    • 2006–2009 –Lecturer in the MBA Programme run by the Wielkopolska Business School Executive Master of Business Administration in partnership with Nottingham Trent University
    • until 2003 –Sales Manager for the West Pomeranian Region at Winkhaus Polska GmbH
    • 1995–1996 –Specialist in the Sales Department at SOLO, wholesale distributor of liquid fuels
  • Education:

    • Graduated from the Department of Economics and Business Organisation at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Agriculture (currently the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn) (1972) –Master’s degree in Engineering
    • Postgraduate programme in the humanities at the University of Gdańsk (1989)
    • Postgraduate programme in Banking Law and Banking at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (1993)

    Professional experience:

    • Deputy Chair of the Provincial Board of the Rural Youth Association (1973–1975)
    • Mayor of Pieniężno Town and Municipality (1975–1977)
    • Worked in managerial positions in the former Elbląg Province authorities (1977–1990)
    • Branch Director at Bank Rozwoju Rolnictwa Rolbank S.A. and Bank Zachodni S.A. in Elbląg (1990–2000)
    • Organiser and first director of a Polish banking institution in Kaliningrad
    • Member of the Supervisory Board of Hurtowy Rynek Rolny Giełda Elbląska S.A. (1995–1998)
    • Northern Region Director at Elektrim-Megadex S.A. in Elbląg (from 2001)
    • Business Development Manager at SNC-Lavalin Megadex (2004–2006)
    • Business Development Director at ABB Zamech Gazpetro (2006–2007)
    • President of the Management Board of Fromborska Sp. z o.o. (2017–present)

    Senator of the Republic of Poland (2001–2007) and social activist

  • Education:

    • 2018−2019: a post-graduate course in gas transmission and gas-fired power generation
    • 2017: obtained professional qualification as Legal Counsel
    • 2013: completed professional training as a legislative drafting officer
    • 1999–2007: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration.

    Professional experience:

    • Since August 2020: Deputy Head of the Power Generation and Natural Gas Department of the Ministry of Climate and Environment
    • Since 2018: member of the Scientific Board of the Oil and Gas Institute of the National Research Institute in Kraków.
    • Since 2022: member of the Board of the National Centre for Research and Development in Warsaw
    • 2017–2022: Member of the Supervisory Board of GEOVITA S.A.
    • Since 2022: Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Poznań Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
    • 2009–2020: served at Ministry of Energy (formerly Ministry of Economy), including from 2017 as Head of the Natural Gas Market Unit of the Oil and Gas Department.

    Ms Aleksandra Świderska has submitted a statement to the effect that apart from the above-mentioned activities:

    • she is not engaged in any activity that is in competition with the Company,
    • she is not a partner or shareholder in any competing partnership or company,
    • she is not a member of a governing body of any other competing legal entity,
    • she is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained pursuant to the Act of August 20th 1997 on the National Court Register.
  • Education:

    • 2004–2009 –Doctoral studies at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. Awarded the degree of Doctor of Economics by the Faculty of International Business on 17 April 2009
    • 1999–2004 –Full-time studies at the Poznań University of Economics and Business

    Professional experience:

    • September 2011–Present –Lecturer at the Department of International Finance, Poznań University of Economics and Business
    • January 2023–September 2023 –Financial Market Product Manager, BNP Paribas Bank Polska in Poznań
    • September 2008–December 2022 –Treasury Product Manager, Alior Bank S.A. in Poznań
    • November 2006–August 2008 –Derivatives Specialist, Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. in Poznań
    • July 2006–October 2006 –Deposit and Treasury Products Specialist, Bank BPH S.A. in Poznań